Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Eclipse Demo Camp in Nantes

Thursday 30/06 in Nantes, AtlanMod, Obeo and Mia-Software will organize an Eclipse Demo Camp.

The program is rich with the presentation of seven projects coming with the Indigo Simultaneous Release.

Four of these projects are developped in Nantes!
  • MoDisco (Model-Driven Modernization)
  • ATL (Model to Model transformation)
  • EMF Facet (Non-intrusive metamodel extensibility)
  • EEF (Model extended editors)

The three other projects which will be presented are

The Demo Camp will start at 6:00 PM at Ecole des Mines de Nantes.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Step in Toulouse

This week, I'll be in Toulouse, the aerospace city.

Wednesday (June 22), we will start the Obeo Designer Roadshow, a serie of six steps in six different cities (Toulouse, Brest, Nantes, Paris, Niort and Lille).

Each step of this roadshow will be organized in two parts: the morning will be dedicated to a presentation of the version 5.0 of Obeo Designer, presentations of case-studies by users and a panel to discuss about graphical DSLs.

The afternoon will be more technical with Hands-On sessions: we have asked to each person to come with a case, and we will help them to implement their own graphical designer during the afternoon.

In Toulouse, the case-studies will be presented by Pascal Roques of PRFC and Tristan Faure of Atos Origin.

Thursday (June 23), I will attend Eclipse Party (the Indigo Demo Camp) and give a talk about JavaEE code generation with EEF and Acceleo.

This Demo Camp, will be very intensive with two tracks and a lot of interesting talks (Topcased, Koneki, Closure, Birt, RCP, eGit, SWTBot, e4, etc).

There will also be a specific session about feedback from EclipseCon 2011 (XText, Orion, CDT, Tycho).

Finally, it will end with a panel about Eclipse and its ecosystem, animated by Gaël Blondelle of Obeo.