Saturday, March 27, 2010

Back from EclipseCon 2010

I came back to home today, after one week at Santa-Clara, near San-Francisco, attending my second EclipseCon.

Last year, I only presented a poster. But this year I gave a talk about MoDisco and I participated to the Modeling Project runway organized by Kenn Hussey. Gabriel Barbier, my colleague from Mia-Software, had also a talk with Henrik Lindberg about B3 and the possibility to use MoDisco to extract build information from source code .

Once again, I really enjoyed the conference and its organization: lots of interesting talks, very good keynotes (Steve Harris show was THE event of the week), but most of all it is the best way to share ideas, to meet people and to show what we working on.

This year, we spent a lot of time explaining a project we propose to create. The EMF Facet project will provide mechanisms to dynamically extend ECore models: adding properties, references, operations without changing the initial ECore model. These mechanisms have already been developped as part of the MoDisco project. We propose to externalize them to make them more reusable by other projects. We received very good feedback on this project from all the Modeling Project members to whom we presented our ideas and the existing components. We will first submit the proposal to the Modeling PMC next week.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Reverse-engineering of JUnit tests

Tuesday I presented MoDisco during two EclipseCon sessions at Santa-Clara:

We decided this year to illustrate MoDisco with a example based on JUnit :
  • reverse-engineering of source code containing JUnit tests (we took draw2d as a sample)
  • creation of a fine-grained EMF model describing the source code
  • definition of an extension (Facet) to find the JUnit Test suites, Test cases and Tests contained within the code

  • colorization (UICustom) of the packages, classes and methods to be tested, depending on how many tests are defined for them

  • transformation of the EMF model and regeneration of the source code to migrate from JUnit3 to JUnit4
The slides are available here.

I will blog soon to give more details about this JUnit use-case.